Mac Lewis Page Shot Dead: Identified as Victim Shot Dead Inside Car in East Nashville

Mac Lewis Page shot dead in East Nashville. Nashville Police Department discovered his body in a silver Hyundai Santa Fe. The shooting is believed to have happened outside an abandoned duplex during the night. As the authorities continue to investigate, Nashville Crime Stoppers encourages anyone with information to reach out.


Investigation of East Nashville Fatal Shooting

In an unfortunate turn of events, a life was snuffed out due to a violent act of gunfire in the eastern part of Nashville, currently under the microscope of the local law enforcement agency. The incident has ruffled feathers amongst the community dwellers, compelling cops to spring into immediate action to deliver justice to the deceased as well as their grieving family.

Finding Mac Lewis Page’s Body

The Metro Nashville Police Department shared an official statement, unveiling the news of 20-year-old Mac Lewis Page shot dead. He was found lifeless on the morning of December 24th, before the hour of ten. At present, the mystery encircling his passing persists, and law enforcement are energetically pouring their efforts to extract the reality embedded in this heartbreaking incident.

Location and Vehicle Details

Mac Lewis Page was discovered lifeless inside a silver-colored Hyundai Santa Fe, parked in the 2600 block of Pennington Avenue, a quaint neighborhood in East Nashville. This horrifying incident serves as a sobering indicator that danger could lurking near within one’s peaceful community. Investigators are thoroughly scrutinizing the scene to collect any pieces of the puzzle that might illuminate the circumstances of the incident.

Suspected Shooting Incident

Initial probes by the authorities have led them to believe that the gunfire incident occurred during the twilight hours in the vicinity an uninhabited two-family house. The inquiry is yet to reach its conclusion, hence the police are appealing to the public to disclose any knowledge they might have relating to this horrifying event, in aid of law and order. Unity within the community is paramount in aiding these efforts, and rallying behind the mission to bring an end to this grisly occurrence.

Contact Information for Information

In the case of the tragic firearm attack in East Nashville, your involvement is indispensable in contributing to the inquiries of law enforcement. Sharing essential details of Mac Lewis Page shot dead incident can significantly contribute to securing a fair outcome for the unfortunate victim and those they have left behind.

Nashville Crime Stoppers

Nashville’s trusted Crime Stoppers is a reliable platform for those who desire to confide crucial details, while enjoying a veil of anonymity. You can play a significant role in a criminal investigation, all while maintaining a secure, confidential correspondence with this organization.

mac lewis page shot dead

Should you decide to contribute vital insights towards the case at hand, don’t hesitate to ring Nashville Crime Stoppers via this number: 615-742-7463. Your valuable assistance and readiness to step up could possibly alter the course of justice, aiding a speedy, truth-oriented verdict.

We at is closely tracking the investigation of a tragic incident in East Nashville, where a young man was found in his silver Hyundai Santa Fe, shot to death. The 20-year-old, Mac Lewis Page shot dead was discovered on Christmas Eve in an abandoned two-family dwelling during nighttime. All individuals possessing related knowledge are requested to communicate with Nashville Crime Stoppers.

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