Edna Ensz Obituary for Loved Beatrice, Nebraska Resident: A Fond Farewell

Edna Ensz Obituary: A Final Goodbye to a Cherished Resident of Beatrice, Nebraska

On Wednesday, December 27th, a visitation will take place at the Griffiths-Hovendick Chapel. The following day – Thursday, December 28th, a graveside service is scheduled at the First Mennonite Cemetery, also including a celebration of her life at the First Mennonite Church. To honor Edna’s memory, a memorial has been arranged at the church.

edna ensz obituary


Obituary of Edna Ensz

We are profoundly grieved to report the demise of Edna Ensz, a treasured inhabitant of Beatrice, Nebraska. Edna departed from us on December 23, 2023, leaving behind an invaluable trove of memories that we continue to hold dear. Her absence will undoubtedly be felt by all the people whose lives she touched.

Passing of Edna Ensz

According to Edna Ensz obituary, on the final Wednesday of 2023, specifically, December 27, an opportunity to celebrate the life of Edna will take place at the revered Griffiths-Hovendick Chapel, located in the heart of Beatrice, Nebraska. This gathering, scheduled between the hours of 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM, will welcome friends, loved ones, and members of the local community to reminisce about Edna’s influence on their lives and find comfort in the myriad warm memories they have had the privilege to create with her.

Condolences and Guestbook

A guestbook has been made available for those wishing to communicate their sympathy and recount their cherished memories of Edna. The family finds great peace in reading your supportive and soothing sentiments during this trying period. Your participation, even as a simple message, is deeply valued and will mean the world to them.

Predeceased Family Members

Edna Ensz was bereaved of her cherished spouse Robert Ensz, her progenitors Gerhardt Penner and Elsie Penner (Esau), her siblings Richard and Willard Penner, and her son-in-law Bob Hawley. She was the solitary remaining member of her immediate kin. Even as grief engulfs us, there is solace in the thought that Edna has found eternal tranquility reunited with her dear ones.

Surviving Family Members

The emotional legacy and precious memories written in Edna Ensz obituary will live on. Survived by her children, Kathy Weyers (Lyell), James Ensz (Vicki) and Janet, her impact will reverberate through the generations. Her grandchildren, Brian Adam (Brooke), Lindsey Fenzel (Drew) and Rodney Ensz (Shana), will forever carry her essence in their souls.

Additionally, her great-grandchildren, Baylee and Brynlee Adam, Gavin and Decker Fenzel, along with Stella and Randall Ensz, will be lasting symbols of her adoration and motherly nature. Not to forget her beloved companion, Lloyd “Tony” Smith of Iowa City, Iowa. His life was also blessed with countless special moments with Edna.

Visitation and Graveside Service

Visitation Details

We cordially invite you to join us in commemorating the life and times of Edna Ensz on Wednesday, December 27th, 2023. The scheduled gathering will take place at the Griffiths-Hovendick Chapel, nestled in the heart of Beatrice, Nebraska at 708 N 6th St, Zip code 68310. We have reserved the time frame from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM for you to express your condolences, recollect cherished memories, and provide comfort to the bereaved family members.

During this period, we want to inspire you to ponder on the influence Edna had on your life and the ripple effect of her influence on those in her sphere of influence. Let’s use this time to honor her achievements, reflect on heartfelt shared moments, and seek comfort in the treasure trove of memories we hold sacred.

Graveside Service

Join us this Thursday, the 28th of December, 2023, as we gather at the First Mennonite Cemetery situated at 6714 NE-4, Beatrice, Nebraska 68310 starting from 12:15 PM till 1:30 PM.

This solemn assemblage aims not merely to bid goodbye to Edna but also to commemorate and reflect upon the beautiful life she led, marked with profound influence and enduring love. We expect that, musing on her fruitful spiritual journey, we would all attain consolation and be reminded that she would be forever nestled amid the plethora of adoring memories and everlasting peace that accompanies.

Celebration of Life

Celebration of Life Details

We cordially extend to you an invitation to partake in commemorating the life of Edna Ensz on December 28th, 2023, precisely at 1:00 pm. This memorable event is scheduled to take place at the First Mennonite Church in Beatrice, Nebraska, situated on 6714 NE-4.

In this extraordinary assembly, we shall join forces to pay tribute to Edna and reflect on her astounding life journey. The occasion presents an opportunity to exchange anecdotes, chuckles, and tears in recognition and appreciation of the indelible mark she left on us all, and the enduring legacy she entrusted to us.

In the gentle and affirming arms of the church, we will illicit a sense of peace and healing, gaining strength from our collective camaraderie and the mutual recollections that will perpetually connect us. Collectively, we shall rejoice in the life of Edna and the affection she bestowed upon the world.

Memorial and Administration

Established Memorial

Respectfully acknowledging Edna Ensz’s significant relationship with the First Mennonite Church, an enduring monument has been erected. By constituting this monumental tribute, we carry forward the hierarchies of principles she held intrinsically and help maintain the church that held an esteemed place in her heart.

Each donation to this enduring symbol ensures that the essence of Edna is not lost, and her profound effect continues to resonate within our society. It presents a profound opportunity to pay homage to a life that was guided by deeply held beliefs and enduring principles.

Administration of Memorial

The stewardship of the memorial has been given to John Penner and Larry Thimm as they ensure its responsible management and fund allocation. It is their top priority to use the funds in accordance with Edna’s desires and the First Mennonite Church’s mission.

The depth of knowledge and commitment that John and Larry bring to their positions ensures the memorial is treated with full respect and care. They will be collaborating tightly with the church and the Ensz family to make sure the funds bolster the church’s endeavors, campaigns, and outreach within the community.

Through their meticulous oversight, the memorial will persist as an enduring homage to the life of Edna and her meaningful contributions to the First Mennonite Church and its community.

Our emotions weigh heavy with the passing of Edna Ensz, a dear citizen of Beatrice, Nebraska. Our sympathies extend to her family in this sorrowful phase. We offer a guestbook for those who wish to leave their heartfelt messages. Having said goodbye to her husband Robert Ensz, siblings Richard and Willard Penner, parents Gerhardt Penner and Elsie Penner (Esau), and son-in-law Bob Hawley, Edna now leaves behind children Kathy Weyers (Lyell) of Lincoln, James Ensz (Vicki), and Janet, along with her grandkids and great-grandkids.

Everyone is invited to pay their respects on Wednesday, December 27th, 2023, at the Griffiths-Hovendick Chapel in Beatrice. Then, on Thursday, December 28th, 2023, a graveside service is scheduled at the First Mennonite Cemetery, culminating in a celebration of life at the First Mennonite Church. A memorial has been set up to honor her and her unwavering devotion to the church. At this time of bereavement, in Edna Ensz obituary we keep the family and friends of Edna Ensz in our thoughts.

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